Saturday, May 13, 2006

Saying It...

Many a times I have faced this thing and I am sure a lot many people have faced it too... You are not able to say what you feel like saying because of the consequences...

Though a lot of people may be advising you to be a lot more open in expressing your views... it is not always possible right?

Suppose you were my friend and you found this blog to be awfully boring... how could say that to me straight? Well a close friend would have no problem saying it... I suppose... or a person could say it laughing... and I would think it was a joke...

But otherwise... how do you say bitter things that may or may not be entirely right?

Similar situations could be that a person is teaching me something very sincererly... and I nod my head to whatever he says... and I agree that I understand hoping that I will catch on as time goes... but soon I realize that person has just upped his pace and I am totally lost...

Some say that a good teacher should be able to repeat what they are saying without a frown... but what are the odds that the person belongs to that GOOD Group...

Yet another situation... A person wants to roam around with you but you are not in the mood to go out...

I could list out many more situations... but right now I am more worried in getting the solution...

A few say... yes there are some unavoidable situations in which you could risk someone misunderstanding you... so go ahead play the game... wear the mask...

Is that the answer? Maybe it is...

Are you one of the fellows who just realised about your mask... or do you feel like telling me to stop complaining and that is how it is at times...

I listen to you man... I am stopping... but just want to tell you... that it sometimes keeps me thinking... Why Why Why am I doing this...

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